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th 16 May

PC TipsHere in what was the industrial South of Framlingham the broadband has been down for some 20 hours.  If you're getting Internet on your mobile phone you may be able to use the phone as a modem for your computer.  It's might be called tethering or possibly hotspot.  Use your mobile to Google using <mymobilephone> as a modem.  If you succeed your computer will be using your mobile's data allowance.

th 28 Sep

PC TipsIt's taken three attempts for BT to actually dispatch a router/hub, hopefully it will arrive today.  Worth tracking online and complaining sooner rather than later, we complain via the online chat.

su 11 May

PC TipsA whiles back here in Stately Terrace Framlingham we discovered that disconnecting the house telephone wiring from the masterTypical download speed in Stateky Terrace socket (all our handsets are cordless) gave something like a 5% improvement in broadband speed.  Our broadband filter is not at the master socket but on the end of a 5m cable so we can fax from the pc.  Yesterday we realised we hadn't sent a fax for four years and perhaps connecting everything directly to the master socket would further speed the broadband up?  No, not really but it's tidied our wiring up a bit.

we 26 Feb

PC TipsIt may say Fibre broadband is here outside Framlingham college but no sign of it here in Stately Terrace ... mind you on the BT web site we have moved from Not Currently in rollout plans to Coming Soon.

su 4 Aug

PC TipsBT have five availability levels for Infinity ranging from AO - AcceptingNC - Not currently in rollout plans orders to NC - Not currently in rollout plans.  In the near the coast heartland the Framlingham exchange is Not currently.  It's not even UE - Under evaluation - Exchange upgrade being evaluated as part of a government funded programme ... it's all part of Tony Blaire's vision for the information super highway you know  ... along with those free(ish) but crap Tiny pcs.

mo 21 Jan

PC TipsSeems we jumped too soon, when we checked at the beginningBT Infinity of last week the availability of Infinity for 01728 723306 the BT web site said yes, but yesterday it wouldn't let us order and the availability checker now says no.  Is it because we're too far from the exchange?  It can only be 300 metres in a straight line ...

sa 19 Jan

PC TipsJust run a speed test on the Framlingham exchange and BT socket awaiting a silver bulletthe download speed has doubled!  What's more BT are offering subscribers a £1.30 silver bullet (it goes on your bill) to make your broadband even faster.  They don't tell you what it is but we suspect it's an analogue filter to go in/on your main wall socket ... we'll let you know.

we 16 Jan

PC TipsWe've had an email from BT saying that the broadband on theBT Infinity Framlingham exchange could be temporarily disrupted Friday evening whilst the exchange is upgraded, we think this means BT Infinity will become available ... about time.  Our experience of Infinity in a large town near Chelmsford is the download is not particularly impressive though we're hooking in via 50 meg wireless and with sometimes three users on the router but watching iPlayer on an Internet connected tv is just like watching tv.  The real difference is uploading which is quite noticeably faster.

su 18 Dec

PC TipsBroadband is running slow in Framlingham and won't be fixed until the end of next month.  Here's a general cludge that might work, turn your router or modem off, count to ten and when you reconnect you might pick up a line with fewer users on it and run a bit faster ... until more users come on that is ...

tu 19 Apr

The typically 20Meg broadband BT Infinity due last year in East PC Tipslarge town near Chelmsford might now arrive in June so our advice for near the coast is don't put off booking your holidays.

sa 30 Oct

PC TipsBT Infinity promises up to 40Mb broadband but when it arrives inBT Infinity East near Chelmsford this December it'll be 20Mb download and 9Mb upload.  That's 2.5 times faster download than the present nominal 8Mb (at best actually 6Mb) but 18 times faster upload  , perhaps this reflects with that there FacePack vids and pix, YouTube and Vimeo we're uploading bigger lumps these days.  The bad news is Infinity is delivered by fibre optic cable, so around ntc unless you live next door to an exchange don't hold your breath.

fr 30 Apr

Therese Coffey with panini and chipsCoastal Suffolk Conservative candidate Therese (it's French) Coffey lives in Westleton so she can't get Channel 5 or Freeview and no doubt rubbish broadband.  When she asked BT why near the coast broadband is so rubbish so close to BT's research centre they said Oh, their broadband is rubbish too.  We found out yesterday at the Martlesham Black Tiles that Therese has stood as an mp once before, her rescued dog Rizzo is very patient, when she ordered the panini she hadn't realised it came with chips, and is very aware this time round she's not a shoo in.  More pix on Facebook

fr 8 Jan

Orange know how to chargePC TipsBe aware of this, at the end of an 18 month broadband deal Orange put their price up because we're 'in the country' prompting us to change supplier.  Orange then charged for the month after the change had completed and they supply nothing because that's what they do ... we suspect other ISPs probably do the same.

mo 16 Nov

PC TipsBe warned: Orange want their bundled in rubbish router that never worked properly back or they'll charge £100 ... and they've got your credit card details ...

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